Sunday, 10 July 2016

FAQ: There is no College for CA

We all as a CA student might have faced this question many time "Beta, from which college are you doing CA?" and it is actually very boredom to explain them that CA has no college, its like a correspondence course where you register yourself, submit the fees, study and go & give exam THAT IS IT.

Once I was chatting on facebook with a old school friend of mine and like usual chat 
He asked me            : "So whats up these days?", 
I replied                   :"I am doing CA." 
And he was like        :"Ok, from which college?. 
I said                        :"There is no college for CA, it is like a correspondence course."
(And the BEST part arrives)
He says                     :Ooooooo I see, CA is correspondence course I thought it is a Chartered                
                                  Accountancy Course. :-p

After reading his this message I was MUM and I replied him "Exactly" because I was in no mood to explain him what CA course is all about, already I was tired after explaining this stuff to tons of Aunts & Uncles around me.

Seriously guys this awareness is actually required among everyone that there is NO COLLEGE for CA, a student gets registered himself/herself with Indian Institute of Chartered Accountant (ICAI), submits its fees, gets private coaching if he/she wants, prepare for exam, fill up the exam form and give the exam, that's it.

Be Updated Be Smart..

Friday, 8 July 2016

General information on CA Course (NEW SYLLABUS)

Hello Everyone,

Chartered Accountant India's one of the prestigious profession were every year lakhs of students enroll for getting the degree but only few of them make it to the end. This course is completed after clearing the three tier examination along with 3 years of internship.

Level 1: CA Foundation

Level 2: CA Intermediate

Level 3: CA Final


Subjective type  and consist of 4 subjects as follows

Sr.No: Name                                           
1          Principal & Practices of Accounting               
2          Business Mathematics & Logical reasoning & Statistics                  
3          Mercantile Law & General English                             
4          Economics & Business and commercial knowledge                                      

Each subject carries 100 marks & subject wise you are required at least 40% in each and in total 200 marks is required to clear

One can get registered with Foundation after clearing 10th examination and will be eligible for giving Foundation exam after your 12th examination.
Exams will be held twice in a year May & November.


After clearing Foundation one should get registered itself for the next level i.e Intermediate. After 12 months of clearing Foundation a person is eligible for writing this exam.

It consist of 7 subjects divided in two group. Group 1 : Paper 1 to 4 & Group 2: Paper 5 to 7

SrNo:  Name
1          Accounting
2         Business Law, Ethics & Communication
3         Cost Accounting
4         Taxation
5         Advanced Accounting
6         Auditing
7         Financial Management & Business Economic Management
8         Information Technology & Strategic Management

Each comprise of 100 marks and you need at-least 40 in each and in total in each group you need 200 or more to qualify this exam.

Held twice in a year May & November and results are declared around in the month of Aug & Feb respectively.

After clearing both the groups or only Group No.1 student can start their internship under a practicing CA for 3 year but before that a student is required to undergo some mandatory trainings required by our institute ICAI they are: 
    (a) Information Technology Training (ITT)
    (b) Orientation Programme


After clearing both the groups of Intermediate & completing the mandatory trainings required student can get registered itself with CA FINAL course.

After completing the 3 years of internship one is eligible for writing the FINAL examination.
(in the final year of internship student is required to undergo GMCS course undertaken by ICAI which is mandatory)

It consist of 8 subjects divided into two groups. Group 1: Paper 1 to 4 & Group 2: Paper 5 to 8

Sr No.:  Name
1            Financial Reporting
2            Strategic Financial Management
3            Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics
4            Corporate Law & Other Economic Laws
5            Advanced Management Accounting
6            Financial Services & Capital Markets and Information system control & Audit
7            Advanced Tax Law & International Taxation
8            Advanced Indirect Tax Law

Each paper comprise of 100 marks out of which 40 is required to clear individual paper and in a group u need atleast 50%. Group 1 & 2 both in total are 400 each and to clear both the groups student should secure 40% in individual subject as well as his/her total score in each group should be 200 or more.

The information provided above is as per the new syllabus applicable from Nov 2016 onwards.

Best Luck to all CA aspiring buddies..