Sunday, 10 July 2016

FAQ: There is no College for CA

We all as a CA student might have faced this question many time "Beta, from which college are you doing CA?" and it is actually very boredom to explain them that CA has no college, its like a correspondence course where you register yourself, submit the fees, study and go & give exam THAT IS IT.

Once I was chatting on facebook with a old school friend of mine and like usual chat 
He asked me            : "So whats up these days?", 
I replied                   :"I am doing CA." 
And he was like        :"Ok, from which college?. 
I said                        :"There is no college for CA, it is like a correspondence course."
(And the BEST part arrives)
He says                     :Ooooooo I see, CA is correspondence course I thought it is a Chartered                
                                  Accountancy Course. :-p

After reading his this message I was MUM and I replied him "Exactly" because I was in no mood to explain him what CA course is all about, already I was tired after explaining this stuff to tons of Aunts & Uncles around me.

Seriously guys this awareness is actually required among everyone that there is NO COLLEGE for CA, a student gets registered himself/herself with Indian Institute of Chartered Accountant (ICAI), submits its fees, gets private coaching if he/she wants, prepare for exam, fill up the exam form and give the exam, that's it.

Be Updated Be Smart..

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